Customer Testimonials

Aaron has the great ability to talk to anybody intellectually and with purpose. I found Aaron to be a great team player and worked well within a high pressure sales environment. Aaron pays attention to detail and turns problems into solutions. I enjoyed working with Aaron.

Chris Rozier Member Relations Coordinator at Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce

Aaron is committed to finding the best solution for each prospective customer. Also, when I speak to friends and co-workers of his, they always give him high marks for his ethical behavior and great personal attitude.

Scott Hutson Business Account Executive at Mediacom

He was a fantastic person to work with. Aaron Anthes is an independent and great colleague. Passionate Business Developer. I can highly recommend working with him.

Tara Rawlins Owner at RAW Marketing, Social Media & Online Marketing for Businesses & Non-Profits

Aaron is a friendly and knowledgeable person that you want to talk to upon meeting him. Aaron's ability to build a relationship and significant rapport with a stranger in a very short period of time is impressive. I very much appreciate the skills that he has.

Joe Driscoll Vice President - Community Banking

Aaron has an undeniable talent for attracting and helping create mutually beneficial business relationships. He is dedicated to business development and has a passion for helping others succeed. I would highly recommend Aaron as he is hardworking, dedicated and trustworthy.

Laurie Goslee Instructional Designer at Karmak

Aaron exemplifies a high degree of Integrity to his clients and the company he works for. He displays the integrity, customer service and most importantly the needs of what the customer is requesting. I feel very confident of referring clients to Aaron, because I know he will look after their best interest.

Eric Meruelo Residential Mortgage Banker at Prime Lending, A PlainsCapital Company

Aaron is consistent; people oriented and is committed to his work. Aaron has a great work ethic and committed to great customer service.

Marlene Chism Author of Stop Workplace Drama: Train Your Team to Have No Complaints, No Excuses and No Regrets

I have appreciated the service and professionalism of your employees this year! So happy with the quality of work! Thank you.

Malinda Reagan Business Account Executive at Mediacom

Thanks for the reference list. It's been a very interesting speaking with these individuals. It's obvious from the conversations I've had that both the Intelachlor & the Bullfrog spas are excellent products, but even more importantly has been the amount of unsolicited praise that American Pool & Spa has received in respect to its customer service. I was pleasantly impressed with how these folks spoke very highly of American Pool & Spa.

Kevin Howard

American Pool & Spa - Your local full-service pool & spa store in Springfield, MO. Call us today to schedule your pool & spa service.